
Together we stand, Combined we fish!

Fishing is our life, our existence, our means to feed our families and our nation, in our blood and our story ..

Combined Fishing Enterprises (CFE) was established in 1996 by two brothers from the fourth generation of a family of fishermen, as well as the wife of a life-long fisherman. The company evolved with the South African Commercial fishery (1995). Since its inception, which was shortly before being awarded its first fishing quota, the company has accumulated a wealth of 20 years’ experience in the fishing industry. CFE is managed by the Lucas family, who built upon the company’s strengths both in the general operations of the business and within the South African fishing sectors.

BBBEE Credentials

Shareholding 100%
Women Ownership 50%
Staffed 100%
Procurement 75%
SMME 90%
BBBEE Rating 100%


All our values are based on sound principles of integrity. Our management and staff are firm believers in achieving the company’s goals by always employing and maintaining the highest levels of integrity. All CFE’s operations, relationships and undertakings are built on a solid foundation of reliability, truth and honor.

Objectives and Goals

  • To create a sound working environment that offers fulfilling and full-time employment to our workforce
  • To expand our efficiencies and effectively advance the company by upgrading our assets and focusing on the wellbeing of our staff
  • To attract, retain and empower our employees through industry training and development, education and alternative growth initiatives
  • To produce superior branded products



Our core mission is to become a profitable and established 100% black-owned fishing entity within the South African fishing industry.


CFE’S goal is to remain a well-respected 100% black-owned member of the fishing industry whilst growing into a sustainable and efficient industrial operation. Through this success we aim to support and uplift the lives of all our stakeholders which include individuals from the previously disadvantaged fishing communities.

Fishing Sectors

CFE is an established wholly black owned and managed fishing company that has been involved in the fishing industry for 25 years. It holds rights in a number of sectors of the fishing industry. CFE is a right holder in the following sectors:
CFE have operations in the Hake Deep Sea Trawl Fishing Sector
CFE have operations in the Small Pelagics Fishing Sector
CFE have operations in the Hake Longline Fishing Sector
CFE have operations in the Large Pelagics Longline Fishing Sector

Lets Go Fishing!

CFE invite any engagement in matters relating to our Industry.

Services we provide

As well as managing our fishing portfolio we also offer the following services:


Fishing Industry Consulting

CFE provide fishing industry and sectoral consulting and advice services. With our experience, network, intelligence and passion we add immense value in our contribution to pursue results.

Organisational Management

Association and Fisheries Administrative and Financial Management

CFE are able to provide professional and fishing industry intelligent,  Administrative and Financial Management services and infrastructure, currently serving a number of Industry Associations in a secretariat capacity.

Marketing Consulting

Marketing and Supply Chain Management

From catch to consumption, we are able to send it fresh to the other side of the world within 24 hours or process and package according to your supply chain preferences.

We know how to grow.

Our experience bolsters our expertise….

Our Team

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